Pavel Šporcl – » the finest live account of Mendelssohn’s «
« Might be the finest live account of Mendelssohn’s E minor Concerto I have heard »!
Musical Opinion – Guy Rickards:
« This was special…Pavel Šporcl is a Czech violinist of prodigious technical ability and extraordinary musicality and both attributes were put into play in what may just be the finest live account of Mendelssohn’s E minor Concerto I have heard…(he) produced a very fluent account of the opening movement, taken quite quickly, as was the central span. The speeds, however, seemed perfectly right, with Šporcl in complete command of the work as a whole, the accompaniment throughout beautifully shaped by Woods. There were some lovely instrumental solos from the band, too, particularly from the horns. The finale fair danced along—and at quite a lick, too—in an immaculate performance that was deservedly rewarded by sustained applause. Šporcl rewarded the audience with a brief encore of Paganini’s 5th Caprice. »!