Arthur Rubinstein Philharmonic Orchestra

In 2015 the Arthur Rubinstein Philharmonic Orchestra (ARPO) celebrated its centennial anniversary. The inaugural concert of the Łódź Symphony Orchestra, given in the now-defunct Grand Theater on Konstantynowska Street (now Legionów Street) on February 17, 1915 is widely regarded as the founding event. The Łódź Symphony Orchestra was the second […]

European Camerata

European Camerata

Cet ensemble atypique, sans chef d’orchestre, dirigé uniquement par son premier violon Laurent Quénelle, est constitué des plus grands virtuoses des orchestres européens (London Symphony Orchestra, Orchestre de Paris, English Chamber Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra of Europe…) Des solistes de renom les rejoignent régulièrement, tels: Renaud Capuçon, Natalie Dessay, François Leleux, […]